Learn About Our Ministries
At Plymouth, we're all about worshipping God not only with our lips but with our lives!

Jazz and Arts
Terry Dunn,
The Jazz and Arts Ministry helps to incorporate jazz more fully and deeply into worship, spiritual formation, and community outreach activities – for example, providing a welcoming space for performances, benefit concerts, recording sessions, etc.
The Jazz and Arts Ministry also sponsors our weekly Jazzio Divina sessions, which invite participants to pray and meditate on a selected jazz composition each week.
To join in the weekly Jazzio Divina gathering, please email us at jazziodivina@plymouthoakland.org.
Community Life
Linda Koistinen & Jeanette Morris,
The Community Life Ministry helps build our faith and nurture loving relationships within our community through gatherings that help us know each other better, hear each other's stories, and welcome each other in Christian love.
Gatherings include:
Community Nights
Church Picnic and Worship in the Park
Thanksgiving Feast
During times of celebration, they send birthday, anniversary and graduation cards. During times of grief or crisis, they come alongside members of our community.

Children and Youth
Laura Easley,
At Plymouth Church, we recognize that children and youth have rich and vibrant spiritual lives, and we celebrate their participation in worship. We want our young people to know themselves as deeply loved by God, their families and their church. We encourage them to be curious, to ask questions (no question is off-limits at Plymouth Church), and to share their own insights and understandings about God.
Justice and Witness
Karen Hill,
Plymouth seeks to be a home and an incubator for “Faith Activists ” – people willing to work collaboratively with other churches, community groups, people of other faiths and no faith, the national UCC, and other local/national movements to carry Jesus’ gospel of justice and compassion into the world through education, service and witness.
Affiliated Ministries

Ministerio Latino
Pastor Rhina Ramos
Third Fridays at 7 pm
Ministerio Latino es una comunidad Cristiana que recibe a todxs con brazos abiertos sin importar su orientación sexual, expresión de género o creencias.
Plymouth is home to Ministerio Latino, an open and affirming, Spanish-speaking congregation founded by Rev. Rhina Ramos in 2011. The church welcomes and reaches out to Latino immigrants of all faith traditions and all sexual orientations.
Ministerio Latino meets on the third Friday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Room at Plymouth Church.

Oakland Care Center
Elizabeth Hasychak, Coordinator
Fourth Saturday at 3 pm (on pause due to the pandemic)
Once a month, we lead worship at the Oakland Care Center, an extended care and rehabilitation facility for those who are ill and/or elderly. During this one-hour service, we sing, pray and share stories with the residents, bringing a bit of hope and joy to what can often be a lonely time.
These services are held on the fourth Saturday of each month at 3:00 pm at 3030 Webster Street in Oakland.

The Food of God (FOG)
Barbara Collins, Leader
The Food of God offers a weekly, free, nutritious meal to those who are homeless and hungry. Vegetarian meals are prepared by Plymouth volunteers and other community member, then served at a location in Downtown Oakland.
Meals are prepared every Thursday morning at 10:00 am in the kitchen at Plymouth Church. Meals are served every Thursday at 1:00 pm in the public park at the corner of 21st and San Pablo in Oakland.

The Front Porch
Joanne Grimm, Convener
Tuesdays at 10 am
The Front Porch is a weekly gathering for seniors from Plymouth Church and the nearby community. Members bring food to share, then join in everything from yoga and chair massage to films, dance performances, story-telling and lively discussion of current events.
The Front Porch gathers weekly on Tuesday mornings, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon in the Fireside Room at Plymouth Church.

A Gathering Place
Gayle McWilliams, Founder
A Gathering Place is an affinity group for POC parents, family or friends of LGBTQ+ individuals. It's a support group for individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities which focuses on current events effecting LGBTQ and people of color.
This group meets at the Oakland LGBTQ Community Center the second Friday of each month from 6 - 7:30 pm.